Thursday 3 July 2014


Besides the 5 resources mentioned last time, there are a few other ways to have your presentations available to anyone around the world.  The one that I’ve decided to discuss below seems to be the most beneficial to me (besides the other 5 mentioned previously) that I could use in my classroom, and hopefully you all can as well.


            An online tool that can help turn your powerpoint or jpg presentations into video lessons.  It will allow the user to create a video guided lesson with their own audio as well as your presentation.  This could be used by a teacher who is either creating a flipped classroom experience (creating the lessons for the students to go through at their own pace) or even for a teacher who is sick or unable to be in class and still wants to present the material.  As a student, this would allow them to experience the same learning experience from the same teacher htey may have become accustomed to.  This may help students with anxiety issues and having issues with large changes, as well.


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