Monday, 30 June 2014

Image Manipulation for the Classroom (
  • A free online tool to create infographics

o   Infographics are able to quickly convey knowledge and engage its viewers
o   They are fun to read and provide valuable information
  • This could be used in social studies to show students understanding of a current event in a fun and engaging way

  •           A free online tool that can make your current pictures look old
  •           This could be used in a History Project where the students have to make History Trading Cards about a historical person

Wednesday, 25 June 2014

Mangahigh - Math has games, too!

Manga High is a game based Math resource which spans until around Grade 11 (at least in Saskatchewan).  It has tons of different games and activities available for students to do and can be assigned to them by their instructor.  It does have a limited free trial version of their material, and apparently the full license is less than Mathletics, another game based Math site.  I know a few teachers who are going to be using this program starting next school year, so I'll keep you updated on how it pans out!  For now, check out the video below!

Tuesday, 24 June 2014

Hour of Code - What can you do in an hour?

Hour of Code is an interesting way to have people in general get excited about computer programming, and shows it in a very easy to understand manner.  The actual "hour" is very simplistic for all ages, and may only last someone 20 minutes.  At the end, however, you get a certificate saying you have completed your hour.

Check out the video below for more details!

Monday, 23 June 2014

Remind - Easy way to message students and parents all at once.

Remind - Formerly known as Remind101, this is an online messaging center devoted for teacher use. It allows teachers to send out mass text messages or email to both students and parents within a class without having to give out or collect students actual numbers or personal email. This is a tool that can be used as an additional reminder to students and parents about upcoming tests, assignments, or anything you want! You’re able to set up messages to be sent at a later date, such as the day before a test as a reminder, so you can program WHEN you send the messages at a time that’s convenient for you.  And best of all, it's free!  Check it out below!

The Introductory Post

Hello all,

My name is TJ Moss.  I am creating this blog to post all the creative technology resources I can find as a new teacher.  Although I'm not the best with keeping my information posted promptly, I will do my best to put any information that I find useful up here!

If you want to know a little more about me, check out my "" page which is embedded on the sidebar.  Hopefully I can help people out as much as possible!

About Me